

Developer: shades
Price: Free
Size: 35.8 MB
Last Update: 22 October 2023
Downloads: 1k+
Version: 2.0.39
Category: Apps, Tool

About FilePursuit

FilePursuit is a mobile app that offers an innovative way to explore the internet to find various types of files or documents quickly. It allows users to search for and access links to files across the web, making it easier to locate and download specific content. Here are some key features and frequently asked questions about FilePursuit:

Key Features of FilePursuit:

  • Vast Database: FilePursuit contains a substantial database of links to different types of files, including those contributed by users. This extensive collection of links makes it easy to find a wide range of content quickly.
  • Easy Search: Searching for files is simple and intuitive. Users can enter the name or description of what they're looking for, and the app will search for relevant links.
  • Categories: The app offers various sections on the main screen, allowing users to explore their saved searches, downloaded files, and news topics of interest.
  • Safe and Legal: FilePursuit is considered safe and does not host or store files. It functions as a search engine for files that are already available on the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is FilePursuit safe? 

FilePursuit is generally considered a safe app. Uptodown, a trusted source for app distribution, uses VirusTotal to analyze files. However, users should exercise caution when downloading files through the app and verify the source.

Does FilePursuit contain illegal content? 

No, FilePursuit does not host or provide illegal content. It operates as a search engine, connecting users with files already available on the web.

Is FilePursuit free to use? 

Yes, FilePursuit offers a free version that has no time limitations. While a Pro version is available, the primary difference is the presence of ads in the free version.

Can I use FilePursuit on a PC? 

Although FilePursuit has a website where users can access its services, you can also use the app on a PC by installing the APK in an Android emulator. Several emulators are available, such as Nox, LDPlayer, and GameLoop, which can run Android apps on a PC.

FilePursuit offers a unique way to search for files on the internet, making it easier for users to find and access the content they need while maintaining safety and legality.

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